
Install & Configuration MySQL Server on FreeBSD

So today I'll talk about how to install MySQL, with a given base has developed a rather strange situation, if you raise the forums, the number of questions relating to problems installing MySQL tremendously. In this case, the most common form of response is: "Well, then try this and that, although strange when you install it should happen automatically."

In order to deal with the installation once and I decided to write this short post, because MySQL is one of the most popular database in the world of open source software and its role is difficult to overestimate the (take any program that handles a large amount of information and most likely she would be happy to be friends with MySQL, but inekotoryh cases, there is no built-in database software and then installing third-party database to become simply required)

Proceed, we will put MySQL as usual from the ports, currently the most popular version is 5.1 it is what we are going to install.

# Cd / usr/ports/databases/mysql51-server & & make install clean (in dependencies will already be a client so alone MySQL client set is not necessary). As can be seen I put the MySQL with the default settings, but if you want to put additional modules and expand the functionality, then call a utility before you install # make and in the pseudo interface, you can choose what you need.

Thus, the installation is successful now we have proinstallit immediately base itself, it is done by running:

# Mysql_install_db

Install base that's on this path / var / db / mysql, now we have to change the owner and group for MySQL with their same database (here is always controversy, someone said that during the installation of the script itself does this, someone thatNo, somehow it is always possible to check the list of output # ls-l):

# Chown mysql / var / db / mysql

# Chgrp mysql / var / db / mysql

Everything is now possible to run the MySQL daemon in safe mode and set a password for root:

# / Usr / local / bin / mysqld_safe-user = mysql & (boolean)

# Mysqladmin-u root password INVENT YOUR PASSWORD (password set)

All right now if you did everything correctly, then the # mysql-u root-p should get out a request for a password by entering that you will go to the console MySQL.

Well, full of happiness edit # ee / etc / rc.conf add this line:

mysql_enable = "YES"

For people with a ban at Google give the link to off site MySQL Documentation MySQL

ps As usual kammentah try to answer all your questions.

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